Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 2 - Semester Final

  1. My favorite photo from this Lens slideshow is 7, the picture with the acrobat performing at the NightFest light show. Reason why this is my favorite:
    1. I like how the balls of colorful light stand out from the black background.
    2. The outline of the acrobat juggling against the balls of light makes it very unique.
    3. The color and playfulness of the picture is something very appealing to me.
  2. I think the best photo from this Lens slideshow is 9, the picture with the red dear seen through the mist. Reasons why I think this is the best:
    1. The bushes on the bottom and branches on top seem to frame the image of the red deer.
    2. The contrast of colors makes the deer and bird stand out from the surrounding mist.
    3. Depth in the picture is seen  through the difference in clarity between the closer and farther objects.
  3. I believe that my best work of the year was done in the Masters of Photography project. I think that the best picture in this was the second, which captures an image of snow on a Seattle street in black and white. Reasons why this is my best work/things to improve:
    1. Depth in the picture is seen in how you can see far beyond the street, and into the sky.
    2. The black and white contrast helps extenuate the trees.
    3. The trees form a frame around the cul-de-sac and house.
    4. If given more time I would experiment by taking the picture from more unique angles.
    5. If given more time I would change the depth of the field.
    6. If given more time I would change the contrast of the picture to further bring out the branches of the trees in the distance.
  4. My three rules of composition are, rule of thirds, color, and depth.

Composition Rules Example
This picture portrays the rules of color and depth.
    6.  Mr. Farley's first rule of composition is get close.
    7.  Benefits of working in groups:
               1.  Students get exposure to working on a team.
               2.  Students have to. at times, pick up their own slack, or someone else's.
               3.  Students get to work with people of different personalities.
               4.  Students get exposure to what working on a team is like for our future jobs.
               5.  Teachers have less work to grade when each group turns in one assignment.
    8.   Difficulties of working in groups:
               1.  Students can get overly social.
               2.  Students can easily get off-task.
               3.  Students can get into conflicts.
               4.  Certain students will be unhappy with the project.
               5.  Teachers may have a harder time controlling the class.
    9.  My favorite project produced by another student is the Masters of Photography project by
         Marissa Padilla.
  10.  My photographer was Ansel Adams. Ansel Adams used the zone system in order to work with
         the exposure and contrast of certain photos.
  11.  Dorothea Lange's most famous photo was the Migrant Mother, taken in February or March of
         1936 in Nipomo, California. At the time, Lange was taking pictures for the Resettlement
  12. Life Magazine was first published on November 23, 1936.
  13. Elvis was born on January 8, 1935.
  14. Robert Capa was the co-founder of Magnum Photos in 1947.

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