Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

I believe that this photo is my transformative picture, because it helped me understand my vision as a photographer. Before this, I had never truly enjoyed taking pictures of people or nature. With this picture I realized that my forte was taking picture of still objects. I also realized that I enjoy playing with the lighting of pictures. Originally this picture was extremely bright, even in the background, but I changed it to give it a different effect. I think this picture also had an impact, as it was the first one I truly, genuinely liked.

The difference between shape and form is that while shape captures an objects 2-D lines, form captures a 3-D point of view.
My Shape Post
My Form Post

The difference between pattern and repetition is that while pattern is the repeating of a set of symbols or objects, repetition is the repeating of only one symbol or object.
My Pattern Post
My Repetition Post

Movement is when looking at a work of art, one's eyes move from one object to another. Their is movement in this picture because one's eyes move from stair railing, to the bright corner on the upper left, to the pine cone. 

Of the last three projects, my best work was done in the presentation project in which I took pictures of candles. I believe this is my best work because as mentioned before, I believe my forte is taking pictures of a certain still object, or group of still objects. On top of that, I enjoy using camera raw to play around with the lighting of pictures, and with candles as my object, there was a lot that I could do with it. This project changed me because it was the first project where I was working completely independently, and I had a focus which meant a lot to me. For the first time I felt like I was in sole control of my work. On top of that the contrast between the light and dark truly connected with me, as I really like playing with different light schemes. This project taught me to see things differently because I had no restriction on what I could and could not do, and I was able to do exactly what I desired. Though this caused me to falter in some places, it gave me a higher sense of independence and responsibility.

Friday, May 29, 2015

weebly reviews

1st period:
I reviewed Nitya's weebly and her best picture is the one with a polar bear, because the contrast between the black and white sheet and the stuffed animal makes it stand out.

2nd period:
I reviewed Priyanka's weebly and her best picture is the black and white star with the red crayon, because the contract makes it stand out.

3rd period:
I reviewed Anita's weebly and her best picture is the one with the pistachios, because the color is very earthy.

4th period:
I reviewed Tulika's weebly and her best picture is the black and white picture with Neha as the model and one hand on her head, because you can see the light bounce off of her.

Friday, May 15, 2015


I will be taking picture of my candles outside my house on Sunday night. I will keep a fire extinguisher at my side at all time in case of a small fire.

picture 1
picture 2
picture 3
picture 4
picture 5

Friday, May 8, 2015

Nina Shoes Advertisment


Priyanka http://pcharyphotography.blogspot.com/

Amin http://amink98.blogspot.com/

Mohini http://mvaidyaphotography.blogspot.com/


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


To start off the Friday's Multicultural Assembly, we had a performance by a band.

The fourth act of the day was a martial art performance done by 7 students. This act included swords, and free hand fighting.

Following was  an act by psychology teacher Mr. Hui. He had two performances, one with a sword, the other free hand.

We then got the pleasure of watching a graceful ballet performance. We got to see two different performances both with two performers.

One of the most exciting acts was tinikling. The dance is very upbeat and fun to watch.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Students anxiously wait in fourth period for lunch to start and the fun to begin.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Multicultural week

This week at Mission San Jose High School, we are celebrating Multicultural week. On Monday-Thursday, each day is representing one or two continents. Each day there is a color which students must wear, or they can wear the ethnic clothes of that area. We also have extended lunch where all clubs and each class has a booth where they are selling delicious food. Sadly. since it is a fundraiser, some food is overpriced.  All the booths are set up around the horse shoe, and the entire area is packed with students from all classes. However, things are different on Friday. On Friday we have an assembly where we see performances from all around the world.  We also have a flag ceremony during the assembly. On that day, everyone dresses up to represent their own culture.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter speed - motion

Lens photo

1. We think the that the shutter speed was fast because the entire picture is very clear.
2. Aashna-depth; Chris-leading lines
3. This picture shows lines because you see the us of lines on the road, and on the trucks.
4. This picture shows movement because your eyes start off looking at the fallen truck, then the metal     divider, and lastly the big truck on the right of the picture.

Shutter speed: 1/415 - just a guess

Friday, March 27, 2015


Temperature: +24
Tint: +54
Exposure: -74
Contrast: +98
Highlights: +15
Shadow: +65
Whites: -31
Blacks: -8
Clarity: +95
Vibrance: - 65
Saturation: +65

This picture shows unity because it shows balance proportion and repetition.


Temperature: +65
Tint: -15
Exposure: -67
Contrast: -58
Highlights: +13
Shadow: +65
Whites: -64
Blacks: +8
Clarity: +15
Vibrance: -6
Saturation: 0

This picture shows variety because it has balance, and proportion.


Our picture

We picked this picture from Lens because it represents variety. We see many different elements of art in this picture. We see lines on the wall, pattern and repetition in the bricks and chair, proportion in the trailer and texture on the ground.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Temperature: +10
Tint: +16
Exposure: -1.45
Contrast: +58
Highlights: +33
Shadow: +27
Whites: -2
Blacks: -40
Clarity: +100
Vibrance: -8
Saturation: +41

This picture shows rhythm because it has lines, texture, and pattern. The lines are shown with the break of each brick, the texture is seen on the brick, and the pattern is in the way the bricks are laid.

Friday, March 20, 2015


Temperature: +12
Tint: -33
Exposure: +3
Contrast: -0.2
Highlights: +39
Shadow: -47
Whites: -90
Blacks: +45
Clarity: +100
Vibrance: -3
Saturation: +46

This picture shows proportion because you can see the fence below and on top of the pole.


Temperature: +15
Tint: +3
Exposure: +70
Contrast: +40
Highlights: +16
Shadow: +41
Whites: -9
Blacks: +6
Clarity: +60
Vibrance: +16
Saturation: +4

This picture shows repetition because the pattern of the bricks is repeated.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Temperature: +14
Tint: +43
Exposure: -12
Contrast: +23
Highlights: +33
Shadow: +14
Whites: -53
Blacks: -20
Clarity: +99
Vibrance: -92

This picture shows pattern because of the repeating pattern of dots on the table.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Temperature: +86
Tint: -54
Exposure: +60
Contrast: +49
Highlights: +52
Shadow: +9
Whites: +7
Blacks: +66
Clarity: +80
Vibrance: +82
Saturation: +16

This picture shows movement because your eyes travel from the stair railing, to the bright corner, to the pine cone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Temperature: +6
Tint: +1.9
Exposure: +8
Contrast: -8
Highlights: +8
Shadow: -8
Whites: +9
Blacks: +67
Clarity: +78
Vibrance: -7
Saturation: +3

This picture shows emphasis, because even though it is a picture of a bench, the emphasis is on the boots.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Temperature: +27
Tint: +9
Exposure: -9
Contrast: +37
Highlights: +11
Shadow: +46
Whites: -10
Blacks: +5
Clarity: +19
Vibrance: +7
Saturation: -6

This picture shows balance, because each quadrant of the picture is the same.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Temperature: +6
Tint: +31
Exposure: +8
Contrast: +9
Highlights: +9
Shadow: -9
Whites: +2
Blacks: +0.4
Clarity: +19
Vibrance: +27
Saturation: +9

The tanbark in this picture represents texture, because of its roughness and unevenness.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Temperature: +8
Tint: -5
Exposure: +6
Contrast: +7
Highlights: +60
Shadow: -2.4
Whites: -2.9
Blacks: +9
Clarity: +5
Vibrance: +19
Saturation: +20

This picture represents color, because in the midst of the green grass, my shoes appear in the corner, and they are the chosen color, red.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Temperature: +25
Tint: +21
Exposure: +6
Contrast: +14
Highlights: +29
Shadow: +90
Whites: -22
Blacks: +2
Clarity: +50
Vibrance: +34
Saturation: +9

This picture depicts space, because of all there is to see through the branches of the tree.


Temperature: +80
Tint: -94
Exposure: +35
Contrast: +63
Highlights: +1.3
Shadow: -30
Whites: +35
Blacks: -65
Clarity: +78
Vibrance: +5
Saturation: +25

This picture represents form because of the way the bush stand out from the surrounding red bark.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Temperature: +13
Tint: +2.4
Exposure: +5
Contrast: +76
Highlights: +30
Shadow: +19
Whites: -51
Blacks: +0.8
Clarity: +84
Vibrance: +35
Saturation: 0.0

This picture shows shape, because the shape of the leaf really stands out from the surrounding, dried up leaves.

Monday, March 2, 2015

  1. On the day Gordon Parks was born, how did the doctor save Gordon's life? - The doctor puts Parks into a tub of cold ice water, saving his life.
  2. Where was Gordon born? (what state?) - Parks was born in Fort Scott, Kansas.
  3. What did Gordon's college adviser, Ms. McClintock tell him about college? - The adviser said that very few African Americans go to college and it wasn't worth his parents money.
  4. How old was Gordon when his mother died? - Parks was 15.
  5. Where did Gordon move after his mother died? - Parks moved to St. Pauls, Minnesota to live with his aunt.
  6. Did Gordon graduate from college? - Yes, from Princeton.
  7. How did Gordon begin his fashion photography career? -  Got a job in St. Paul, Minnesota for a women's clothing store owned by David Murphy.
  8. What is a "double exposure?"  - A double exposure has two exposures which seem to create one image.
  9. Who was boxer Joe Louis? - Joe Louis is was a heavy weight boxing champion, whose wife, Marva, convinced Parks to move to Chicago.
  10. What instrument did Gordon play? - Parks played the piano.
  11. What was the purpose of the Farm Security Administration? - FSA was created to help combat American rural poverty during the Depression.
  12. When Roy Stryker hired Gordon for the FSA, what was Stryker's first assignment for Gordon in Washington, D.C.? - While Parks was in D.C. taking pictures of the FSA crew, hw took one of his most famous pictures the American Gothic.
  13. Who was Ella Watson? - Ella Watson, an African American in the FSA, was the subject of Parks' American Gothic.
  14. What was the inspiration for Grant Wood's American Gothic? - Parks was inspired by the segregation he saw in restaurant and shops in D.C.
  15. What did Gordon learn from Stryker about photography? - Stryker taught Gordon how to approach his subjects.
  16. When did the FSA shut down? - FSA shut down in 1943.
  17.  After Gordon moved to New York, what magazine did he shoot for? - Gordon shot for Vogue.
  18. Who was the picture editor of Life Magazine when Gordon walked into the Life Magazine office? - Wilson Hicks was the picture editor at Life Magazine at the time.
  19. What was the first major story Parks covered for Life Magazine? - The first major story Parks covered was Crime Across America.
  20. Who were some of the artists that Gordon Parks mentioned influenced his work after he moved to the Paris Life Magazine bureau?  - Some of the artists included De Gough, Picasso, and Van Gough.
  21. How did Parks shoot fashion when he lived in France? - Parks shot fashion by making the model move with him.
  22. Where was Parks' concerto performed? - Parks- concerto was performed in Venice.
  23. Who was Parks' second wife? (Who was her father? What did she do?) - Parks second wife was Elizabeth Campbell, a model.
  24. How old was Flavio de Silva when Parks met him? - Flavio was 12.
  25. When did Parks meet Flavio? - Parks met Flavio when climbing the slopes of Rio de Janeiro.
  26. Where did Flavio live when Parks first met Flavio and his family? - Flavio lived in a small shack.
  27. How is Gloria Vanderbilt? Who is her famous son? Who are her ancestors? - Gloria was an author and artist, whose grandson was Anderson Cooper, and whose ancestors were rich railroad company owners.
  28. How did Vanderbilt describe their relationship? - Vanderbilt said that they had a lot of love and respect for each other in their relationship.
  29. What is your definition of successful? - My definition of success in achieving a goal you have set your mind to.
  30. What have you given up to become successful? - In order to become successful I have given up some of my free time.
  31. What did Parks give up to become successful? - Parks gave up marriage and a stable home, as his job often kept him on the move.
  32. Who was Genevieve Young's father? - Young's father was UN .
  33. How much was Parks advanced to write his first book (and eventual best-selling autobiography)? - Parks advance was $10,000.
  34. How much money did Elijah Muhammad offer Parks to do a story on The Nation of Islam? - Muhammad offered Parks ________________.
  35. Why did Parks refuse the money? - Parks refused the money because __________.
  36. What was significant about the movie The Learning Tree? - The movie was significant because it made Parks Hollywood's first major black director.
  37. What was significant about the character Shaft? - Shaft was significant because he was a black private detective.
  38. What was Gordon Parks' choice of weapons? - Parks' choice of weapons was a book about his life.
  39. What reason did Genevieve Young give for the divorce? - The reason was __________.
  40. In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. What recent feature film told the same story?  - The recent film with the same story is Twelve Years a Slave.
  41. Who was Gordon Parks, jr?  - Gordon Parks Jr. was the son of Sally Alvis and Gordon Parks, and was shooting a film when he died.
  42. What is your favorite Gordon Parks photo? - My favorite photo is an untitled picture in his Segregation Story exhibition. The picture was taken in Shady Grove, Alabama in 1956, and shoes a mother carrying a child.
  43. What will you remember about Gordon Parks in ten years? - In ten years I will remember the impact Parks made as a major black photographer.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Temperature: +51
Tint: +1.37
Exposure: +0.83
Contrast: +63
Highlights: +42
Shadow: +26
Whites: +0.95
Blacks: +14
Clarity: +91
Vibrance: +3.09
Saturation: +0.19

I think this picture of this bush represents lines because the straight leaves are all spreading out from the center root, and create shadows upon each other, also in the shape of lines.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Multimedia Poster 2

1. Our Multimedia Festival poster is good because our background is a unique blend of two colors and two pictures. It's appealing to viewers and its vibrancy makes it stand out. The picture accurately portrays the event details. We made sure that Divine's camera matched the background we chose, therefore, giving it a more professional touch.  Also, we decided to make this poster horizontal so it will stand out from the other posters.
2.  Our new poster is much better than our previous one because we took advantage of the new Photoshop techniques to make the poster better.  We worked more cohesively and therefore, the outcome was much more to our liking.  The new poster is also better because the background is a blend of two gradients with an abstract design on the corner, instead of the simple red background on the previous poster. 

3. First, we spent a lot of time making the background of the poster. We decided that our new poster would be horizontal instead of vertical to stand out from the other posters. We then blended a white gradient with a red gradient, giving it a softer view. Then we searched for a nice abstract piece of artwork to put in the top left corner to further diversify our poster. Next , we experimented with various fonts to find which one looked best on our poster.  Finally, we typed up all of the required information on to the poster and left justified most of it to give it a professional feel and look.

An Embedded Photographer Empowers the Poor

Top 5 Pictures:

1. Picture #9: 2 boats at sunset
2. Picture #3: net in water
3. Picture #5: hand holding grains
4. Picture #30: man taking bath
5. Picture #22: girl studying

Friday, February 13, 2015

Movie Notes

1.) What was The Photo League's credo?The Photo League's credo was that social change could be achieved through documentary photography  and an emotional connection with one's subject.

2.) What organization did The Photo League separate from? The Photo league was separated from the Film and Photo League which broke up into the Photo League and Frontier Films.

3.) What was the workshop? The workshop was a class taught by Sid Grossman as a part of the Photo League. These classes were crucial to the Photo League because the classes were affordable and offered to any photographer who had a working CAMERA.

4.) Who taught "the workshop"? Sid Grossman was the one who taught the workshop.
5.)If you were to devote one year of your life to one project, what project is worth your time and energy? If I were to devote one year of my life to one project, I would devote it to a project incorporating my passion for dance.

6.)What was The Harlem Document? A portrait of black urban America and the people, culture, and lifestyles of Harlem that was initiated to try and tell the world about the poor living conditions hoping for improvement.

7.) Who started The Harlem Document? Aaron Siskind started the Harlem Document from March 8, 2014 and carried it out until July 20, 2014.

8.) A photographer discusses a photograph where "the children looked like they came out of a ______ painting. Who was the painter? The painter is Caravaggio.

9.) Why did the photograph mentioned in #8 look like it was by the painter? The photograph looked like it was painted by Caravaggio because the boy in the photograph was illuminated by the sunshine and looked special. Many of Caravaggio's works are dark but have the main focus of the painting very well lit.

10.) Who was Lewis Hine? (name two significant contributions) Lewis Hine was an American sociologist and photography. Hine used his camera as a tool for social reform. His photographs were instrumental in changing the child labor laws in the United States

11.) Who was Weegee? Known as Weegee, Arthur Fellig was a photographer and photojournalist that was known for his stark black and white street photography.

12.) How did The League change when The Nazis took power? When the Nazis took power, the Photo League received many talented refugee photographers who had escaped from Europe.

13.) How did The League change during WWII? Photo league members used their cameras to support the war effort in America. Many female members of the League took over operations of the organization at home while many of the Photo League's men photographers were sent overseas with armed forces.

14.) How did Siskind change after WWII? Aaron Siskind brought the concept of abstract expressionism to photography, a far cry from the sociological realism from the Harlem document. Siskind was criticized for his conversion to abstractness.

15.) What was the Saturday Evening post? The Saturday Evening Post was a bimonthly American magazine that published weekly. Many of the photographs used in these magazine articles were taken by members of the Photo League.

16.) Who was Barbara Morgan? What did she photograph? Barbara Morgan was an American photographer best known for her depictions of modern dancers. She was a co-founder of the photography magazine, Aperture.

17.) What eventually undermined the Photo League? Angela Calomiris an FBI informer testified that the Photo league journalists were supporters of Communism and the League as a whole was accused of being anti- American.

18.) What was the "Growing Menace" mentioned in the film? The growing menace was the suspicion mounting on the League by the nation who questioned their ideas about society.

19.) Who agreed to serve as President when The League was under investigation? Eugene Smith agreed to serve as President when the League was under investigation. 

20.) What happened to the league? The league disbanded in 1951.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 2 - Semester Final

  1. My favorite photo from this Lens slideshow is 7, the picture with the acrobat performing at the NightFest light show. Reason why this is my favorite:
    1. I like how the balls of colorful light stand out from the black background.
    2. The outline of the acrobat juggling against the balls of light makes it very unique.
    3. The color and playfulness of the picture is something very appealing to me.
  2. I think the best photo from this Lens slideshow is 9, the picture with the red dear seen through the mist. Reasons why I think this is the best:
    1. The bushes on the bottom and branches on top seem to frame the image of the red deer.
    2. The contrast of colors makes the deer and bird stand out from the surrounding mist.
    3. Depth in the picture is seen  through the difference in clarity between the closer and farther objects.
  3. I believe that my best work of the year was done in the Masters of Photography project. I think that the best picture in this was the second, which captures an image of snow on a Seattle street in black and white. Reasons why this is my best work/things to improve:
    1. Depth in the picture is seen in how you can see far beyond the street, and into the sky.
    2. The black and white contrast helps extenuate the trees.
    3. The trees form a frame around the cul-de-sac and house.
    4. If given more time I would experiment by taking the picture from more unique angles.
    5. If given more time I would change the depth of the field.
    6. If given more time I would change the contrast of the picture to further bring out the branches of the trees in the distance.
  4. My three rules of composition are, rule of thirds, color, and depth.

Composition Rules Example
This picture portrays the rules of color and depth.
    6.  Mr. Farley's first rule of composition is get close.
    7.  Benefits of working in groups:
               1.  Students get exposure to working on a team.
               2.  Students have to. at times, pick up their own slack, or someone else's.
               3.  Students get to work with people of different personalities.
               4.  Students get exposure to what working on a team is like for our future jobs.
               5.  Teachers have less work to grade when each group turns in one assignment.
    8.   Difficulties of working in groups:
               1.  Students can get overly social.
               2.  Students can easily get off-task.
               3.  Students can get into conflicts.
               4.  Certain students will be unhappy with the project.
               5.  Teachers may have a harder time controlling the class.
    9.  My favorite project produced by another student is the Masters of Photography project by
         Marissa Padilla.
  10.  My photographer was Ansel Adams. Ansel Adams used the zone system in order to work with
         the exposure and contrast of certain photos.
  11.  Dorothea Lange's most famous photo was the Migrant Mother, taken in February or March of
         1936 in Nipomo, California. At the time, Lange was taking pictures for the Resettlement
  12. Life Magazine was first published on November 23, 1936.
  13. Elvis was born on January 8, 1935.
  14. Robert Capa was the co-founder of Magnum Photos in 1947.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

album cover recreation

This is a recreation of the album cover of Bruce Springsteen's Darkness on the Edge of Town.